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Mix It Up: why you need a side-hustle

For decades now, aspiring artists have released mixtapes to showcase their talents. They've helped launch the careers of some of the biggest artists in the world - from Drake to Cardi B. Mixtapes and side-hustles have a lot in common, and the former is a good indicator of why most of us need the latter.

Mixtapes and why they should inspire more business side-hustles

The world of work is increasingly competitive. Not only are we competing with the rest of the world for jobs (thanks, remote working) but we're also now competing with machines (thanks, chatGPT).

So the traditional, linear career path is unlikely to work out for you. That's not to say you don't push on with the day job or studies, but just that you're more likely to need to throw more stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

An old cassette

Mixtape theory

It used to be a cassette, its now a playlist of files uploaded to YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc. But at the heart of the mixtape is an attempt to showcase abilities and express personal themes.

Some of today's biggest artists got noticed through their mixtapes, including:

  • The Weeknd

  • Drake

  • Chance the Rapper

  • Cardi B

Now, if you are musically gifted and looking to break it, you can stop reading now and get releasing a mixtape 👏

But if your voice is so bad it makes Alexa self-combust in a final act of defiance, then read on.

There are clear parallels between the mixtape approach and your own business-building efforts.

In the business world, its difficult to showcase your skills and values with exam grades and CVs. Its like an artist sending an email to a record label stating they attended drama school and can play the guitar 🥱.

A neon dinosaur taken from the no internet connection screen

Why you need a side-hustle

Here's where setting up a little side business becomes your mixtape. Its your chance to show how you can create / sell / promote a product or service. And there is pretty much no downside to it apart from the time and energy involved.

And if you're reading this from the privileged position of being young(ish), then here's the kicker - you're unlikely to have any more time and energy than right now!

Here are 3 things to consider when planning your side-hustle:

1. What do you enjoy?

"Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life"....not sure this holds completely true but you get the idea: it helps to like what you're doing. And equally if you're putting time and effort into something, it may as well be something you're interested in. Plus it ensures that the experience aligns well with a future career in the space.

2. Money required

There are two things to consider here - (1) upfront investment, and (2) ongoing cash required. The first one is more obvious, the second one can catch you out so try and get clued up on running costs before you kick off.

Remember that unless you're looking to build the next Tesla or create a new wave of antibiotics, the chances are there is a low-cost point of entry for what you want to do. Eg:

👗 Interested in fashion? - buy and sell second hand stuff first before investing in setting up your own label

🎮 Interested in gaming? - set up a review site with affiliate links before building your own game from scratch

3. Your network

One of the biggest determinants of success in life and business is the strength of your network. And so it is with the side-hustle. Work out who in your network might be able to help you. If you're struggling, then its either time to reassess the idea (maybe you and your network are better suited to a different business idea) or look at how you can build a more relevant network (events, communities, etc).

A slice of pizza and the takeaways from this article


Artists have used mixtapes for decades as a way to express their music and their abilities.

Now, more than ever before, we need to find more creative ways to bring to life our abilities. And that's why you need a side-hustle.

The side hustle is the mixtape of the business world and a great way to set you up for future opportunities.

Go play 💪


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